Behind the Lens:

Meet Taylor Brandon

Get to know Nature Backs Creator and Founder of House42

What's up Nature Backs fam,

Welcome to the first edition of Behind the Lens, a creator series where we talk to our creators, you guys! You are constantly inspiring us, and we thought what better way to grow closer and get to know you than to sit down and talk to you!

Our first creator we sat down with was photographer, creative director, and founder of the media company House42, Taylor Brandon. Based out of Denver, CO, Taylor has been a part of our Nature Backs fam for a few years now, always creating beautiful content and inspiring us to get outside and experience the moment.

BEHIND THE LENS with Taylor Brandon

So, who is Taylor Brandon?

I’m a photographer and videographer, been doing that full-time for the last 10 years or so. I love getting in the mountains, my wife and I lived in Georgia for a couple of years and needed to get out of there, so we came back to the West and back into the mountains... moved to Denver, CO just over a year ago. I grew up in Salt Lake City so it’s kind of similar, just much bigger.

What got you into photography?

Initially the media classes in High School were the only ones I showed up to because they were fun, then I had a media teacher realize we were skipping other classes and was like, ‘If you’re gonna skip might as well just come here and learn something like making stickers and websites.’ So I did that and was pretty good at it. Then my cousin moved to Australia so I followed her out there and found a media program. They asked me to go to Papua New Guinea and film a highlight reel, and I had never really done anything like that before, so I borrowed a friend's camera, borrowed a car, and borrowed some lenses. It was that trip where I was like damn this is pretty fun, if this is going to allow me to travel, this is definitely something I can figure out pretty quick. So, I bought a camera a couple years later and have been traveling ever since!


I love traveling and I love telling stories. I really love how the camera guy kind of gets the full story, whereas the final project is the highlight reel. I really enjoy getting the full story and kind of having that for myself, but then also getting to pick the moments I want to showcase to the world or whoever is watching.

What is something you want people to walk away with when they see your work?

I love the adventure lifestyle kind of stuff. I’m very grateful and blessed to be able to do all this and based on where I live and how I grew up. I hope people can see that just about anyone can go do this. It’s not hard to just get in the mountains and get a couple of friends together and go create a new story.

How did you come up with the name House42 for your media company?

So that was actually the house I lived in while in Australia, it was this house in this weird little gated community and that’s kind of where all the adventures started, just me and some friends traveling and hanging out.

How was your recent trip to Crested Butte Colorado?

I ended up getting food poisoning so I was pretty dead the whole trip. We did a Crested Butte trip last year for Nature Backs and ended up hitting it at the pinnacle of leaves changing, it was gorgeous. So we went back this year to try and get it again, brought some new friends; probably missed the colors by about a week. But yeah that first night was rough then we took it fairly easy, not a crazy adventure story by any means, but we got a few shots and made the best of it.

When you step outside and see the leaves changing, the cool breeze blowing against your face, the warmth of a fire on a cold night, what do you feel? Not just physically, but mentally, emotionally, spiritually? Nature serves as a constant teacher to all. A reminder that no matter what life brings, beauty and peace can be found in the outdoors. It provides a unique experience for each person that seeks it out, and at Nature Backs, we aim to encourage you to experience this with us. 

Our creators inspire us to not just get outside, but to live in the moment. Pictures offer a small window into the amazing adventures and experiences that happen every time you step outside. Each picture holds a story, a memory that no one but the person that captured it may know. We want to share these stories with you guys. Our mission at Nature Backs is to invoke a feeling of wonder, inspire curiosity, and ultimately create products that bring these feelings and stories to life. 

Much love to you all!

Editor’s note: Interview has been edited for length and clarity.

You can view more of Taylor’s work on his website

Follow Taylor on Instagram @house42co

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